- Women's suffrage:
Vote won by Euroamerican women in Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan
(1916), Nova Scotia (1918), New Brunswick and Ontario (1919), British Columbia
(1920), Prince Edward Isalnd (1922), Newfoundland (1925), and Quebec (1940).
Federal vote won by Euroamerican women over age 21 in all provinces in
1918. In 1949 "universal" suffrage, excluding Native peoples, granted
throughout Canada; in 1960, Native Indians (male and female) won the vote.
- Equal rights:
1977 Canadian Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination in employment
on the grounds of sex, age, marital status, race, religion; each province
has a similar code or ordinance.
Association de Collaboratrices et partenaires en Affaires (ACPA)
Charlotte Thibault
2099 boul Edouard
J4T 2A2 Saint Hubert,
Quebec Canada
T: 001 514 456 45 65
F: 001 514 923 0810
Debby Cote
135, Rideau Street
K1N 9K7 Ottawa,
Ontario Canada
T: 001 613 241 1242
F: 001 613 241 8068
Canada Tibet Committee
Tenzin Jinpa
4675 Coolbrook
H3X 2K7 Montreal,
Quebec Canada
T: 001 514 487 06 65
F: 001 514 487 78 25
Canada Tibet Committee
Paulette Marchetti4675 Coolbrook
H3X 2K7 Montreal,
Quebec Canada
T: 001 514 487 06 65
F: 001 514 487 78 25
Senior advisor: Dr. Judith Nolte
P.O. Box 1541, Station B
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5R5
T: 613-992-4975
Telex: 613-992-1715
- founded in 1973
- 30 members, appointed by the Prime Minister
- two regional offices: Calgary, Alberta, and Montreal, Quebec
- a full-time paid President located in Ottawa, two full-time paid
presidents, one in Calgary andone in Montreal, and 27 part-time
members, who represent the linguistic, geographic, and ethnic
of Canada
- publications: free
Primary objectives are to advise and educate the government on issues
concern to women in Canada and to educate the public on those same
CACSW writes background papers, fact sheets, and briefs to committees
commissions, and recommendations to the government.
Canadian Beijing Facilitating Committee
Linda Archibald
151, Slater Street, Suite 408
K1P 5H3 Ottawa,
Ontario Canada
T: 001 613 563 2550
F: 001 613 568 8658
Canadian Beijing Facilitating Committee
Donna Lee
879 Beaverbrook
R3N 1P2 Winnipeg,
Manitoba Canada
T: 001 204 489 3531
F: 001 204 943 6159
Canadian Beijing Facilitating Committee
Lise Martin151 Slater Street, Suite 408
K1P 5H3 Ottawa,
Ontario Canada
T: 001 613 568 2550
F: 001 613 568 8658
Canadian Beijing Facilitating Committee
Micheline Simard
151 Slater Street, Suite 408
K1P 5H3 Ottawa,
Ontario Canada
T: 001 613 563 2550
F: 001 613 563 8658
Canadian Beijing Facilitating Committee
Lucya Spencer
151 Slater Street, Suite 408
K1P 5H3 Ottawa,
Ontario Canada
T: 001 613 563 2550
F: 001 613 568 8658
La Federation Canadienne des Clubs de Fees
de Carriere Commerciales et Professionnelles
President: Dr. Beverly Hoy
Contact person: Ms. Shirley Cote,
General Secretary 56 Sparks St., # 308
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5A9
Canada T: 613-234-7619
- founded in 1930
- 3,000 members
- 2 staff members
- 92 affiliates
- funded by membership fees
- directed by 18 executive and provincial presidents
- publication: "The Business and Professional Woman"; $3.00 per year
The purpose of CFBPWC is to improve the economic, employment, and social
conditionsof women; to stimulate interest in federal, provincial, and
municipal affairs, and to encourage women to participate in the business
of government at all levels; to develop and train women in business,
professions, and industry; to improve standards of service in business,
the professions, industry, and public life; to encourage and assist
and girls to acquire education and training; to affiliate with other
organi zations to promote mutual interests. CFBPWC implements these
by writing briefs to government and by organizing seminars and workshops.
Canadian International Development Agency
M. Girvan
200 Promenade du Portage
12th Floor, Policy Branch
K1A OG4 Hull, Quebec Canada
T: 001 819 997 0893
F: 001 819 953 6354
Canadian Labour Congress
Carol Phillips
2841 Riverside Drive
K1V 8X7 Ottawa,
Ontario Canada
T: 001 613 521 3400
F: 001 613 521 6160
Executive Director: Dr. Rosemary Brown
Contact person: Ms. Norah Cassidy Frood
48 St. Clair Avenue West, 6th floor
Toronto, Ontario M4V 2Z2
T: 416-975-1703
F: 416-961-3543
- founded in 1989
- not a membership organization
- 1 staff member
- funded by corporate funds and individuals' contributions
- directed by 15 board members and 11-member Council of Advisors
- computer: Macintosh SE
The objective of the Canadian Women's Foundation is to raise funds to
provide support for programs and projects in Canada designed to meet
special needs of women and girls that will help them develop greater
self-reliance, economic independence, and power in the decision-making
process. The foundation implements its objectives through four primary
activities: fundraising, grantmaking, advocacy, and public education.
Canadian Voice of Women for Peace (VOW)
Madeleine Gilchrist
425 Davisville Ave.
M4S 1H7Toronto, Canada
T: 001 416 485 9043
F: 001 416 485 0974
Canadian Women Studies Journal
Shelagh Wilkinson
212 Founders College,
York University
4700 Keele Street
M3J 1PC North York,
Ontario Canada
T: 1 416 736 53 56
F: 1 416 736 57 65
Centre for Feminist Research
York University
Nancy Mandell
228 York Lanes
4700 Keele Street
M35 1P3 North York,
Ontario Canada
T: 001 416 736 5915
F: 001 416 736 5416
(Femmes regroupees pour l'accessibilite au pouvoir politique et economique)
(Women for Access to Political and Economic Power)
822 Sherbrooke Street East
Suite 322, 3rd floor
Montreal, Quebec H2L 1K4
T: 514-521 01 52
- founded in 1985
FRAPPE promotes and supports all individual or collective action likely
help women gain access to power at all political and institutional
and in every sector of public, parapublic, and private activities;
compiles a job bank to be used by any c ompany with senior
executive positions to be filled, and highlights the accomplishments
women in every field.
Jennifer Cobb
P.O. box 24, Station P
M58 2S6 Toronto,
Ontario Canada
T: 001 416 516 1188
F: 001 416 656 4585
Debie 'Connell
2156 E. 10th Ave
V5N 1Y1 Vancouver,
BC Canada
T: 001 604 255 5624
F: 001 614 683 6649
Harriet Xanthakos
77 Helena Avenue
M6G 2H3 Toronto,
Ontario Canada
T: 001 416 656 4585
Meg Hogarth
517 Wellington St. West,
Suite 204
M5V IG1 Ontario, Canada
T: 001 416 408 2065
F: 001 416 408 2069
Human Resources Development Canada
Women's Program
Jackie Claxton
15 Eddz Street, Room 10FI
K1A OM5 Hull, Quebec Canada
T: 001 819 994 3190
F: 001 819 994 3220
Human Rights Centre for Research
Centre for International Studies
Marion Mathieson
University College of Cape
84 Union Street
B1P 4XS Sydney, Nova Scotia
T: 1 902 562 5233
F: 1 902 562 5545
Match International Centre
Enid Page
1102-200 Elgin Street
K2P 1L5 Ottawa, Ontario
CanadaT: 001 613 238 1312
F: 001 613 238 6867
Sharon McIvor
P.O. Box 177
L0K 2BO Washago, Ontario
T: 001 705 689 8291
F: 001 705 689 8291
Metis National Council of Women
Deborah Barron-McNabb
Box 166B
RR2 Dugold
R0E OKD Manitoba Canada
T: 001 204 444 2974
F: 001204 444 2974
National Action Committee on the Status of Women
Shelagh Day
606 Shaw Street
M6G 3L6 Toronto, Ontario
T: 001 416 532 8584
F: 001 416 532 7688
National Action Committee on the Status of Women
Sunera Thobani
606 Shaw Street
M6G 3L6 Toronto, Ontario
T: 001 416 532 8584
F: 001 416 532 7688
National Action Committee on the Status of Women
Felicita Villasin
606 Shaw Street
M6G 3L6 Toronto, Ontario
T: 001 416 532 8584
F: 001 416 532 7688
Executive Director: Dr. Debbie Meness
251 Laurier Avenue, West
Suite 600
Ottawa, Ontario KIP 5J6
T: 613-236-6057
F: 613-235-4957
- founded in 1974
- 16 provincial member associations
- 3 staff members
- 16 offices in different provinces in Canada
- funded by government
- 5 executive councils and 17 board members
- computer: IBM laptop
The Native Women's Association was founded on a collective goal to
enhance, promote, and foster the social, economic, cultural, and political
well-being of First nations and Metis women within aboriginal and Canadian
Societies. The NWAC has been solidly grounded by community-based
representation since its inception in the early 1970s, in accordance
the objectives of its founding members. In recent years, it has
concentrated on affecting amendments to the Indian Act, attaining
guaranteed equality rights in the Canadian Constitution and increasing
participation in the movement toward re-establishment of aboriginal
governments. NWAC has taken an active part in both the Parliamentary
Sub-Committee on Indian Women and the Indian Self-Government.
The North-South Institute
Joanna Kerr
55 Murray Street, Suite 200
K1N 5M3 Ottawa, Canada
T: 001 613 241 3535
F: 001 613 241 7435
Presbyterian Church in Canada
Barbara McLean
50 Wynford Drive
M3C 1J7 North York, Ontario
T: 1 416 441 1111 223
F: 1 416 441 2825
Soroptimist International
Joyce Blake
60, Turgeon Crescent
S4S 3Z9 Regina, Saskatchewan
T: 001 306 584 2226
F: 001 306 586 3566
Soroptimist International
Corinne M. Rivers
120 Carlton Str., Suite 410
Toronto, Ontario Canada
T: 001 416 923 9842
F: 001 416 922 1963
South Asian Workers Forum
Tania Das Gupta
200, Roehampton Ave, #1202
Toronto, Ontario M4P 1R8
T: 001 416 489 2768
Union culturelle des Franco-Ontariennes
Gisele Seguin
435 boul St. Laurent, Piece 212
K1K 2Z8 Ottawa, Ontario
T: 001 613 741 1334
F: 001 613 741 8577
Silvia McFadyen-Jones
1740 Southmere Cr. #217
V4A 6E4 White Rock, BC
T: 001 604 536 3047
F: 001 604 535 4693
WITT Network
Joyce A. Rankin
P.O. Box 90 Stuartburn
MB Roazbo, Canada
T: 1 204 425 3818
F: 1 204 786 8951
World University Service - WUS
Britta Gundersen-Bryden
P.O. Box 3000
Station C
K1Y 4M8 Ottawa, Ontario
T: 001 613 798 7477
F: 001 613 798 0990
Susan Scott
218 Randolph Road
M4G 3S7 Toronto, Ontario
T: 001 416 424 2936
F: 001 416 971 8084