Appendix A
  Appendix B


Approaching Clinical Decision Making in Nursing Practice with Interactive Multimedia and Case-Based Reasoning
Som Naidu, The University of Melbourne
Mary Oliver, The University of Southern Queensland
Andy Koronios, The University of Southern Queensland

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Appendix A: Expert Review CheckList

Expert Review Checklist

REVIEWER: MichelleDUE DATE: asap

Instructions: Please circle your rating and write comments on each aspect of this interactive multimedia (IMM) package. 1 represents a rather negative impression on the scale, 2 represents you are not sure and do not wish to go either way, and 3 represents the highest and most positive impression.

2=I am sitting on the fence on this one


  1. The objectives of this program are made clear to the users.
    1 2 3
  2. If not, how could these be improved?


  3. The instructional interactions in this IMM are appropriate for the objectives.
    1 2 3
  4. If not, how could these be improved?


  5. The design of this IMM is based on sound learning theory and principles.
    1 2 3
  6. If not, how could this be improved?


  7. The feedback in this IMM is clear.
    1 2 3
  8. If not, how could this be made clearer?


  9. The feedback in this IMM is sufficient.
    1 2 3
  10. If not, how could this be enhanced?


  11. The pace in this IMM is appropriate.
    1 2 3
  12. If not, how could this be improved?

  13. The difficulty level of this IMM is appropriate.
    1 2 3
  14. If not, how could this be adjusted?


  15. The screen design of this IMM follows sound principles.
    1 2 3
  16. If not, how could this be improved?


  17. Color is appropriately used in this IMM.
    1 2 3
  18. If not, how could this be improved?


  19. Text is appropriately used in this IMM.
    1 2 3
  20. If not, how could this be improved?


  21. The screen displays are easy to understand.
    1 2 3

    If not, how could this be improved?


  23. This IMM operated flawlessly.
    1 2 3
  24. List any problems you encountered?



  25. The subject matter content is accurately represented in the program.
    1 2 3
  26. List any deficiencies you encountered?

  27. The subject matter content is adequately dealt with in the program.
    1 2 3
  28. List any deficiencies you encountered?

  29. The subject matter content is pitched at a suitable level in the program.
    1 2 3
  30. List any deficiencies you encountered?



  31. The clinical tasks are appropriately dealt with in the program.
    1 2 3
  32. List any inaccuracies you encountered?


Appendix B:User Evaluation Questionnaire and Interface Rating Scale

Clinical Decision Making in Nursing
A Case-Based Reasoning Architecture
User Evaluation

Important. We are interested in your impressions of this multimedia program. The information you provide here will be used solely for the purposes of improving it, so please respond to all the questions in the spaces provided.

General Information

  1. Please indicate your age group.
  2. <20 years


    25-35 years

    >35 years

  3. Please indicate your experience as a nurse.
  4. None

    1-2 years

    2-3 years

    >3 years

  5. What do you normally use computers for (select as many as you need to)?
    Word Processing E-mailing
    Data analysis      Preparing presentations
    Playing games    Database management
    Graphics work     I do not use computers

  7. How often do you use computers?
  8. Everyday 2 or 3 times a week
    Irregularly Rarely


  9. Indicate your comfort level with the use of computers generally?
  10. I feel very comfortable
    I am generally OK with computers
    I feel uncomfortable with computers

    If you feel uncomfortable with computers, indicate what problems do you have with computers?


    The following questions relate to your "use" of the program.

  11. Did you have any problems starting to use the CD?
  12. No

    What was the problem, if yes?


  13. How did you find navigating (or moving about) in this program?
  14. Very easy
    Somewhat confusing
    Very confusing

    If it was confusing, what was confusing about moving around in this program?


  15. How much time did you spend on this CD program altogether before filling in this questionnaire?
  16. < 30 minutes

    30-60 minutes

    60-90 minutes

    >90 minutes

  17. Rate the helpfulness of the "User's Manual" provided with the CD?
  18. Very helpful
    Not really helpful
    What is the problem with the manual?


  19. Rate the helpfulness of the "Case-Based Reasoning Guide" accompanying the CD?
  20. Very helpful
    Not really helpful
    What is the problem with guide?


  21. Which one of the following approaches did you use to work through the program? And please say why you chose to take that approach.
  22. I started with the Guide Video, Why?
    I proceeded section by section, Why?
    I just browsed around, Why?
    According to my personal interest, Why?


  23. How clear were the guidelines in the program for preparing a care plan for George Parker?
  24. Very clear
    Somewhat confusing
    Very confusing

    If you found the guidelines confusing, what was so confusing about them?


  25. How clear are the navigation cues for moving around on the CD?
  26. Very clear
    Somewhat confusing
    Very confusing

    If you found the clues confusing, what was so confusing about them?


    The following questions relate to the "content" of the program.

  27. How interesting did you find the following activities on the CD? Tick the appropriate box.

    Very interesting





    Attending to Patient


    Listening to Stories


    Making Decisions


    Preparing Report


  29. How useful did you find the following activities on the CD? Tick the appropriate box.

    Very useful


    Not useful



    Attending to Patient


    Listening to Stories


    Making Decisions


    Preparing Report


  31. How realistic did you find the scenario on anaphylaxis on the CD?
  32. Very realistic
    Rather unrealistic

    If you found the scenario unrealistic, then please explain why?


  33. Do you think the scenario on the management of anaphylaxis demonstrate that the care provided is evidence-based?
  34. Yes

    Why not?


  35. Do you think the scenario on the management of anaphylaxis demonstrate that the care provided represents best practice?
  36. Yes

    Why not?


    The following questions relate to the "look and feel" of the program.

  37. Ease of use is concerned with the facility with which you were able to interact with this program. How difficult or easy was this for you?
  38. Easy

    What was difficult about the program?


  39. Navigation is concerned with your ability to move through the content of this program in an intentional manner. Was it difficult or easy to move around the program?
  40. Easy

    What was difficult about moving around the program?


  41. Information overload refers to being faced with too much information such that it becomes unmanageable. Did you feel overwhelmed by the information presented in this program?
  42. No

    What was unmanageable in the program?


  43. Overview refers to a facility in the program, which can be either a map or an introductory audio, or video clip that provides a snapshot of what is to come next. How useful was this facility in this program?
  44. Useful
    Not useful

    What was not useful about this facility?


  45. Screen design refers to suitable use of features like text, icons, graphics, color, and other visual attributes. How did you find the use of these attributes in this program generally?
  46. Pleasing

    What was irritating about their use in this program?


  47. Information presentation refers to whether the content of the program is presented in a meaningful form. How did you find the presentation of information in this program?
  48. Clear

    What was confusing about the program?


  49. Overall functionality in interactive multimedia programs refers to the perceived utility (i.e., communication of the message) of the program. What did you think about this?
  50. Functional

    What was so dysfunctional in the program?


  51. Aesthetics refers to the artistic aspects of interactive multimedia programs including sleek use of style etc which can be pleasing or rather irritating. How would you rate this program on aesthetics?
  52. Pleasing

    What was so distasteful about the program?


  53. List the features of this program you liked most.

  55. What important principles about clinical decision making in nursing have you picked up from this program?

