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A Laboratory Course for Undergraduate Students of Phonetics
Anders Eriksson, Umeå University


Demo of a perception experiment illustrating Temporal integration.

Instruction (referring to the pages which follow the instructions below):
First press the 'Start' button. An audio (.wav file) is loaded (this takes a minute or so). The demo starts with an oral instruction. Then the first sequence of sounds is presented - a staircase of successively weaker noise bursts. In the actual experiment, the variable is the duration of the noise bursts. In this demo the variation in duration of the bursts is exemplified by using the longest durations (first sequence) and an intermediate duration (second sequence).

Enter the number of bursts you may perceive in the in the small window below the button. Then press 'Next' and proceed to the next presentation of sounds. This procedure is repeated twice. After the last presentation, a window illustrating a typical result of this test, when performed under more laboratory-like conditions, is shown.

In this demo, it does not actually matter what numbers you enter in the response window and the results presented are not based on your own responses. The component that computes the results has been excluded from this demo for practical reasons.

The 'Send in' and 'Group result' buttons do not work in this demo.

Click here to start the demo!